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Inside view of nursery with plants

Natural Resource Concerns

In partnership with USDA/Natural Resource Conservation Service the District works one-on-one with producers to create tailored conservation plans that identify practices and actions aimed at addressing on-farm resource challenges. By adopting Best Management Practices outlined in their plans, producers can enhance water and air quality, improve soil health, and foster better wildlife habitats, all while optimizing their agricultural productivity.

For additional information please visit

Testing Irrigation Heads at nursery

Nursery Overhead Efficiency Project

​The project's goal is to minimize runoff in our local water sources and save energy by decreasing pump run time. Nursery growers from Indian River to Miami-Dade can replace their irrigation heads with more efficient mini wobbler heads at no cost. To date, the District has exchanged or installed over 20,000 heads, resulting in an estimated annual water savings of over 150.60 million gallons.

Nusery with irrigation heads

Agriculture Mobile Irrigation Lab 

To improve water quality standards and encourage water conservation, the District provides essential irrigation expertise to agricultural producers from Port St. Lucie to Miami-Dade. We assess irrigation systems and offer advice on enhancing efficiency, which helps reduce water use and improve water quality by minimizing harmful runoff, benefiting both farmers and the environment. 

Ag Reserve Field with crops

PBC Ag Reserve

​The District manages the Agricultural Reserve area, which spans more than 2,188 acres purchased by the County through the March 1999 Conservation Lands Bond. Serving as a liaison for the County, the District makes monthly visits to the farms and nurseries to monitor compliance with Best Practices (BMPs). These practices include nutrient and pesticide management, irrigation and safety procedures, soil conservation practices and buffers, erosion control, and sediment management. Comprehensive reports and photographs are provided to the County.

In accordance with Federal law, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, the District is prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, age, disability, sex, marital status, familial status, parental status, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any public assistance, retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted by the District. 

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